July 15, 2011

Sunflower Overload?

Impossible. For months those strangely un-dead foreign and forced sunflowers have mocked me from the aisles of the flower market and Trader Joe's. Now that the local ones are here, glorious in their freshness and cheerful gaze, I'm going all out. These arrangements feature sunflowers from Sebastopol and Napa, as well as 'Yellow Babe' spray roses from Petaluma and California wild grape, sharon fern, privet buds, and Scotch broom from Napa.


  1. Oh they look so different with the pale green centres, really fresh/gentle looking and no whiff of the same as same as! x.

    ps linked to MFG in the cutting course post today, hope my enthusiasm didn't make you vom! ;)

  2. I am thoroughly in love with the wild grape. For real. A most original touch.

    How do you condition it, can it go in the cooler?

  3. I love the green centered sunflowers!!! We have a good supplier of them here, thank goodness. Your arrangements are just so fresh looking with the green. How do you hydrate your grape? I can't get mine from home transferred to the shop for some reason. Really pretty, Jaime!

  4. Thanks, all! The grape can be tricky earlier in the season, when it is still soft, but by now it is much more trustworthy. Usually I harvest a bit more than I need a few days before I need them, just in case any decide to poop out. I'm careful to cut the stem just above a knot, but other than that don't do anything special. I've never tried leaving them in the cooler.

    Shelley- Maybe you have a different variety? This one here is Vitis californica. I have a little more trouble with the cultivated (wine) grape vines, so I just harvest WAY more than I need and hope some makes it. Once they're holding they seem to keep on well. Luck, maybe?

  5. Thanks, Jaime. I think your comment about tender v mature vines might have something to it. And my grapes are Concord.. came with the house!

  6. I LOVE the sunflowers. Will they be available for the wedding?!!? ;-)
